Pyramidal use in Worship Places

Vastu Pyramids
What is Pyra-Vastu: This art of “correction without demolition” technique is also called the Pyra-Vastu or Pyra-Vaastu method. The ancient civilization was largely God-fearing and spiritual. By this inner strength, they could know the secrets of superpower i.e. almighty God and they gained very deep knowledge to get invisible positive energies from different ways. Of course, pyramid science also took place therein. If one sees the great pyramids which Egyptians built in olden times. during the era of ancient Egypt, the building science was slightly different and most of the structures had a pyramidal shape on roofs. Many ancient Egyptian people were engaged in the construction of various buildings in Egypt and they had extreme expertise on it, therefore Egyptian pyramids have become a landmark in the olden time’s history. The real faith of how life should be full of meaning was a matter of great concern those days. The Old Testament has the teaching and study of various sources. The above was seen on the macro-level whereas the proof of their energy can be seen with the help of nanotechnology that works on the micro aspects of this art.
The old and new testament have few things in common. All the worship places were built with a large conical or tomb-like structure for the positivity process. Indian temples of god, Gurudwara, mosque, church, pagoda, etc. are the clear examples telling something concrete about the pyramidal structure and its importance. Not in the olden days, even today also all the religious places are mostly pyramidal like the recently built “Lotus Temple” of New Delhi (India). The above inspired the Vastu consultants to incorporate Pyra-Vastu into their methodology of warding off the negative energies from the buildings. Gradually Pyra-Vastu is becoming an integral part of Vastu shastra.
Everyone may easily recollect and agree with the fact that all the worship places in most of the religions in the world have a pyramidal structure on the top of it making slanting surfaces of ceilings all around. How this structure may have come into existence, is a question of curiosity for a long. Though people in the society have been defining it in their own terminology, own calculation and own estimates based on the traditional or superstitious explanation or they define it to be a practical need. The reasons thought and defined by a different class of people are as follows:
The traditional Justification:
- Devotees believe that the slanting roof does not allow anyone to walk upon (upon Gods it, hence it is good to protect the Gods or deities from the feet of a common man,
- Traditional architects & old rural mass thinks that being commonplace, it seems to be easy to dust or clean the floor & difficult to clean up the roof every day, hence the sloppy roof that does not allow the dust or dirt upon it and allows it to slides immediately thus keeps the roof clean,
- Few people say that the Gods stay up in the heaven situated in the sky, hence the top pointed ceiling towards heaven invites the blessings of the almighty,
- Secular class believes that in order to convey a straight away message to whole humanity that God is one, the similar structure of top is made in pyramidal shape upon each Mandir (temple), Masjid (Mosque), Gurudwara, Church, Pagoda or other similar religious places.
- It is also believed that in order to differentiate the worship place from a common man’s house, the pyramidal shape has also been unique and it takes hardly a fraction of a second to judge that this is a worship place. Secondly, one can easily make out the name of religions or faith by simply looking at the shape and design of the top, cone, slant, or dome easily and one can move there without any hesitation.
The Historical & Ancient validation:
When the pyramidal shapes struck to human being and since when he is using this type of structure is incalculable. Since times unmemorable, the signs and residues are traced by the archeological team’s worldwide. Since, the evidence of such kind of structures is found in the civilization of Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, Mohan-Jo-Daro, Harappa & other ancient civilizations. In the 1920s, archeologists found the remains of stable communities in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.
These sites are in Northern India and Pakistan. For about 1000 years, the Indus Valley civilizations grew here, with planned cities, brick houses, and paved streets. There were sophisticated sewage and drainage systems, public baths, and grain storage. This civilization used copper, tin, lead, and clay for tools and decorations as well. In this era, people learned to made dome-type roofs too. People in the Indus Valley were able to domesticate animals such as buffalo, goats, and camels. They even traded with other settlements as far away as the Middle East and maintained a strong economy.
The Harappan group had specific professions, with each person providing a certain type of labor for the community. Archeologists discovered that people of the Indus Valley were also interested in the arts. Therefore, it would be natural for them to have pyramidal shapes in their decorative items. Archeologists found remains of decorative pottery, glazed, and fired much as we would do today. There were also many small seals and carvings, made by a well-trained artisan class.
It is not clear why these civilizations died out. Some suggestions include natural disasters, such as heavy floods or droughts. Other researchers think a new group of invaders or settlers overtook the people of the Indus Valley and conquered them but today we can see the collection of those people in their artwork of houses, clay pots, statues, etc. that includes pyramid-shaped clay and stone sculptures and showpieces.
Pyramids Of Egypt:
Most Egyptologists believed that the pyramids were meant to serve as tombs for the pharaohs. There are many reasons why they hold this to be true. One is that the pyramid structure represents just one point in the long continuum of the evolution of tomb design. Long before dynastic kings ruled over Egypt, tombs were little more than open-pit graves. In the passage of time, modifications were made by different Egyptian civilizations.
The pit was lined with crude bricks and roofed with wood and clay, and the number of chambers increased. The tomb was surmounted by a modest superstructure: a mound of gravel with an outer layer of mud, probably in imitation of the Primal Mound, the epitome of the creation and regeneration. By the 2nd Dynasty, brick corbel roofs had been introduced as a building technique advanced with time. Such a roof took the appearance of a dome or vault. At this time, the “mastaba” superstructure (so-called because of its bench-like shape) was common.
These were rectangular in plan, with flat roofs and walls that slope outward towards the ground. By the end of the 2nd Dynasty, royal tombs were subterranean chambers cut deeply into the stone, accessed by staircases, with mastaba structures above them.
The 3rd Dynasty saw the true pyramid-shaped superstructure take form, first as a stepped pyramid (successive tiers of mastaba built upon one another and descending in size to the top; see photo above) and then as a true pyramid with smooth sides. “Pyramid Age” reached its apex at the beginning of the 4th Dynasty with the construction of the pyramids at Dashur and Giza, but by the end of that dynasty, pyramids had become smaller until its last pharaoh, Shepseskaf, reverted to the mastaba shape for his tomb.
Though pyramids would again be built in the 5th Dynasty, they would be of inferior quality and materials. Pyramid tombs remained popular through the 13th Dynasty, though none would rival those of the Pyramid Age in size or endurance.
By the 18th Dynasty and on, following several pyramid revivals, royal tombs had largely become underground tombs with no superstructure upon them. Gradually Pyra-Vastu is becoming an integral part of Vastu shastra.
Pyramid Vastu- The concepts:
Pyramid Vastu is a very old concept that derived from our age-old heritage of Civilization in Egypt. In fact pyramid Vastu is advised by the Vastu consultants in modern time to use as the cure for Vastu defects. There are many types of pyramids available in the market. Vastu pyramid for toilet is believed to be reducing the negative impact of washroom in the house if located in north or east. There are many varieties of pyramids in paraVastu (Pyra-Vastu) and their functions are different.
Vastu pyramid for toilet :
Similarly, there is other form of Vastu pyramid for south west toilet which is for this specific purpose and different from the pyramid which is used in northeast direction of the house. Now let us talk about the types of pyramids in Vastu and Feng Shui pyramid. These are the pyramids which are believed to be enhance the positive energy at any place and in this course of action no one is supposed to make any demolition or do any construction in the house. There is Swastik pyramid also which is used in only Northeast especially in and around the Puja place. Swastik pyramid is also good to use outside the house if the house facing is not comfortable as per Vastu like south facing or south West facing houses which need some Vastu remedy for Vastu cures.
Vastu Shastra Pyramids:
Vastu shastra pyramids are becoming very popular nowadays but they are made of plastic however if the pyramid is made of metal that is better than plastic and stone is better than the metal pyramid because as per the function pyramid and concept of pyramid metal is not considered as good in the construction of a pyramid. Therefore, crystal pyramid for Vastu is considered as the best. Lead metal pyramid and lead helix are also becoming very popular in the world of pyramids. Pyramid for home Vastu is used from the time immemorial. Vastu or Vastu Shastra is the science of vibrations and energies therefore if somebody is going to use any pyramid for the sake of enhancement of positive energy inside the house there is nothing wrong in using any Pyramid in Vastu. But it is very essential that your pyramid should be of good quality and it should be real pyramid with accurate angles and dimensions.
Pyramid for home Vastu:
These are different in size & colours & the best to use a general booster in the house centre. Dr Anand Bhardwaj is using multiple types of pyramids for multiple types of removal of negative energy from the house. Vastu pyramids for sale are available on many online portals and one can purchase the pyramids from the portal easily. It is not essential that the client has to purchase the Vastu pyramid for financial benefits from the consultant only. This is essential to you tell because nowadays many Vaastu consultants are advising a lot of pyramids unnecessarily. It means the pyramid is not required at all and the house is already positive and there is no Vastu defect in the house even then the Vastu consultant for his vested interest is going to recommend using the pyramids in the house. Vastu pyramid online are available on many good portals but you should know the accuracy of pyramid. It is essential because Vastu is a science of energies and vibrations and pyramid is also going to enhance the positive energy but if the pyramid is not made or constructed as per the phenomenal guidelines given by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj then it is strong possibility that the pyramid is not going to work at all and your hard-earned money is going in vain.
Vastu pyramid for wealth:
There is Vastu pyramid for wealth also that is used in the direction of north and the cash box so that the person is going to get the benefit of wealth and money but it is essential that the Karma is at the top. It means Dr Anand Bhardwaj says that one should do the physical efforts that is karma very religiously with heart, mind and soul and pyramid is going to add the positivity to your physical efforts. Vastu pyramid yantra is also available in the market but you should buy the Vastu pyramid yantra from the authentic shop and from authentic website for online portal. You should choose the best so that the advice given by the consultant is very good and it is going to work for your betterment and the pyramid which is advised by the Vastu consultant is going to work forever. There are few fibres pyramids whose life is not long and they work hardly for a few months or few years and one is supposed to change those pyramids after sometime.
Use of Crysto-Pyra:
The long tested & tried by many Vastu consultants is made of stone like material slightly translucent. Pyramid and Vastu are correlated and one can do the test of pyramids very easily. Dr. Anand Bhardwaj is advising the Crystopyras (Crysto Pyra) for almost 35 years and the result is good. That is why we say that whenever you are going to select any Vastu consultant on which we are going to rely and you have the belief on the Vastu consultant in that case your Vastu expert should be technically sound, professionally qualified, matured, experienced and honest. He should be confident & have command on his profession.