The Basics of Numerology

The Basics of Numerology
The Basic Numerology Calculation is very simple. In the basic mathematical operation used in numerology, the numbers are reduced by simple addition The number 15, for instance, is reduced by adding 1 + 5 to get 6 Similarly, the number 1974 can be reduced by adding 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 to get 21 The 21 can be further reduced by adding 2 + 1 to get 3. In numerology, all numbers are reduced to the single digits 1 through 9 except the special master numbers 11 and 22 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 22 represent the major vibration rates associated with people’s characteristics. Letters in individuals’ names are converted to numbers and then added together These numbers, in turn, are also reduced The letter A, for instance, is 1; the letter B is 2; the letter C is 3, and so forth.
By applying simple mathematical formulas to the numbers representing a person’s name and birth date, a numerologist can derive four major core elements and some twenty or thirty modifiers A symbolic evaluation of these elements and modifiers provides a remarkably complete and accurate character analysis (About half the information in the analysis, incidentally, comes from the birth date and half from the name).
An Interesting, useful but very complicated science:
There are few things that look to be very simple, but they aren’t!!!
Numerology is not as easy as people think. Most of the persons have a little idea about the qualities and impacts of different numbers and hence they think that they have become great numerologist. For example, it is an obvious feeling, reading and quote that number one is the first number, also called the VIP number, so if someone wants to be number one in his life, number one is an excellent number- which is absolutely wrong perception.
Similarly, number 9 is known to be an adamant number which, by dividing or multiplying with any number does not change. This is called the number of Mars, hence is also called the hot number, so most people think it is not suitable for all. This is also a wrong reading.
There are a number of factors that are considered in numerological readings like date of birth, place of birth, birth time of an individual, his parents, partners, children, and other concerns. The numbers of house, shop, showroom, factory, plot, shed, etc. also carry their own values.
The complication lies in the fact that the sum total of the above all factors in terms of the singular number of each, the grand total number (like 73, 49, 85, 106, 254, etc., etc.) also has to play its valuable role in numerology. These are called primary numbers. The sum total of these digits becomes the secondary number, which is the most important. Then division and multiplication of the above also bring out a new number that is called the tertiary number. Therefore this mystic Indian science is vast and complicated. That is why if someone changes his/ her name on the advice of a novice so-called numerologist, often the change does not suit.
The biggest thing is that it is not a child’s play to change the name because it needs rigorous exercise in terms of changing in government records, citizenship card, ration card, passport, driving license, banks, school/ colleges, company portfolio, in public. Even sometimes it becomes necessary to change the signatures. That is another lengthy & tedious job. So do not go with the opinion of a less experienced or untrained numerologist, rather contact someone who has good expertise in this science because penetrating deep into all calculations emerging with different permutation and combinations, is essential.
Enhance positivity to your building thru pyramid power: There are many methods of using pyramids. The main concept of Pyra-Vastu is to place it at any negative area with four directional alignments, and the negativity is over. One can have a pyramid made of paper, cardboard, plastic, stone, metal, clay, marble, or Egyptian grey material, which is the most powerful and positive as compared to others.
Using multiple energizers: Today, those aware of the benefits of Egyptian Grey Pyramids are preferring to have an Egyptian Grey Pyramid in their building structure, be it their house or business premises. The thought behind the same is that they tend to build the structure as per VAASTU, energize it by providing a concrete or synthetic sheet’s Egyptian Grey Pyramid and decorate as per Fengshui’s guideline. It is always wise to consult a professional expert who has an equally good hold on all three areas because the size, shape, and material used to build-up an Egyptian Grey Pyramid is the principal determinant of the energy generated by the Egyptian Grey Pyramid. Secondly, the appropriate placement of FENGSHUI items, selection of colors for carpets, curtains, and furniture, placement of other showpieces, objects, the direction of each member also determines the growth and stability. The perfect combination of the above three can bring peace, prosperity & harmony manifolds.
Harnessing Egyptian Grey Pyramid power in business: In industries, the chamber of the Chief of the Organisation may be energized by placing nine inches Egyptian Grey Pyramid or a set of nine small crystal pyramids in the NAIRUTYA corner. It can be clear crystal, rose quartz or amethyst. They can either be placed on the left side of the table if the owner sits facing the most positive direction i.e. ISHAAN. The same is recommended to be placed in extreme South-west of the premises or the owner’s desks. However, a crystal bowl’s presence on the tables of senior executives of the Organisation may enhance stability to them, but take care that no sharp metal objects like pins or blades are placed inside them.
How Numerology Works: Calculating the numerological predictions are not as easy as assumed by a common person who has a little knowledge of number’s values Everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency By finding the vibration rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it By applying the principles of numerology-and using only the name and birth date as the basic data-you can determine the major frequencies of different people A numerological analysis of the calculated frequencies provides significant information on these people’s personalities and character.
A Little History: The roots of numerology can be traced back some 10,000 years or more to Egypt and Babylonia Pythagoras, who developed many of the basic theorems that form the foundation of modern mathematics (including the right triangle theorem taught in math classes today) is credited with formally organizing the field about 2600 years ago in ancient Greece At the turn of the twentieth century, an American woman, L Dow Balliet, and several of her contemporaries published a few books and started the modern phase of numerology The field grew slowly through several decades Now, in the last half of the century, increased research and publishing along with a marked resurgence of interest in numerology is taking place.
Indian Numerology: Indian Vedic sciences have a number of methods to give comfort to human beings. In a large list of different arts & sciences astrology numerology, baby numerology based on birth numerology. After going through details in the current website one can calculate numerology or he/she can have free numerology advice or download numerology-related details by copying the desired part of it. Indian numerology has explained ways to find out his lucky number or lucky numbers of family members. Numerology is a science of numbers so numerology tells about the vibration of each number, be it a date of birth or the name of a business firm or a company name. A numerology expert calculates the different options of a name and according to numerology predictions. In case if one gets a better or perfect name by changing alphabets in numerology for numerological purposes, he has to be very careful.
Changing the spellings of a name: A numerologist analyses different ways to play with the vowels as a first priority. His numerology calculation works on numerology birth date, numerology, and Indian methods of numerology calculator. Though there are sites on numerology com even than numerology compatibility is a must to decide the appropriate way for oneself because even a single mistake may lead to negativity in one’s life. So, be careful about it. One numerology date of birth may prove to be different for a different person who took birth on the same day because the names shall be totally different.
A numerology horoscope has a vast field-defining numerology love, numerology names, numerology numbers or numerology numbers, etc. which is certainly different for a different name or nicknames and vice-versa. The numerology prediction is always subject to the short name and full name. Sometimes numerology predictions vary in case if one does not remember the exact date of birth. Dr. Anand Bhardwaj has written a number of articles on numerology reading and his numerology services are easily available to all. For fast calculation, few consultants use numerology software and help people sitting at far places, even overseas through online numerology. The foresightedness, knowledge, and excellent command also depends upon everyone’s spiritual inner strength.
Numerology and astrology: Some astrologers believe that each number from 0 to 9 is ruled by a celestial body in our solar system. Many times, numerological & astrological calculations do not match with each other. This creates another tension to the person who has equal faith in numerology & Astrology. For example, the Janam Kundali of Mr. X says that he should use red color but numerology strictly prohibits using this color. In such a case the numerologist should be learned in numerology who could give the best-suited advice without damaging any aspect.
“Numerology” in science: Scientific theories are sometimes labeled “numerology” if their primary inspiration appears to be mathematical rather than scientific. This colloquial use of the term is quite common within the scientific community and it is mostly used to dismiss a theory as questionable science. The best-known example of “numerology” in science involves the coincidental resemblance of certain large numbers that intrigued such eminent men as mathematical physicist Paul Dirac, mathematician Hermann Weyl, and astronomer Arthur Stanley Eddington. These numerical coincidences refer to such quantities as the ratio of the age of the universe to the atomic unit of time, the number of electrons in the universe, and the difference in strengths between gravity and the electric force for the electron and proton (“Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Us?”, -Stenger. A large number of co-incidences continue to fascinate many mathematical physicists. For instance, James G Gilson has constructed a “Quantum Theory of Gravity” based loosely on Dirac’s large number hypothesis.
Numerology in the Bible: Biblical numerology is symbolism portrayed through numbers in the Bible. While numerical symbolism is studied by most theologians, the extent of symbolism is debated while many numbers in the Bible, especially in the book of Daniel and Revelation, contain symbolic meaning, the majority of the numbers only portray their literal, mathematic connotations, devoid of any symbolic significance (In other words, numbers that don’t fit the pre-conceived meanings are ignored).
Numerology & Life Path Number: The Logical Aspects:
Dear readers numerology and life path numbers are very closely concerned with the logical aspect in which we calculate the date of birth of the person and in making the one number in life path number as consultant we add up all the digits of the date of birth and the sum total is also summarised as one number. Logically there are only 10 numbers and number 0 is not having any value in numerology may be Indian numerology or the Western numerology system but we can easily check that the incidents of one’s life are very much roaming around the main date of birth and life path number. Therefore, making estimation about a person on the basis of total of life path number and his prime number which is the main date of birth becomes easy to calculate.
Numerology Calculator & Numerology Chart Like A Science:
Numerology calculator and numerology chart are inter connected and they work like a science because if we are going to estimate the life chart of a person and all the incidents which have taken place in his life then certainly we have to calculate the numerology numbers and there are numerology calculator available on the Internet and numerological chart can be made with the help of prime number which is the main date of birth and on the basis of calculation the date and day of birth is also going to carry value when we are going to calculate one’s life as per numerology very deeply. Though there are very less evidences to prove that we are calculating on the basis of scientific calculations but even then, as a numerology consultant I have found that the things match very much when we calculate the date of birth of a person as per numerological predictions very honestly.
Name Numerology for Life Path Calculator Are Accurate:
Name numerology for life path calculator is accurate when we Club all the numbers and make single number after joining or summing up all the numbers which are there in the complete date of birth including the year also. For example, if the year is 1920 then we have to calculate all the numbers in 1, 9 and 2, 0 that the total becomes 3 and if the month of birth is April then we have to add up four and similarly we have to add the date of birth too. Suppose this is 7 then we have to add 7, 4 and 3 that becomes 14 and the total sum number of 14 is 5. On the basis of these 5 numbers, we calculate how is the life story of the person and what has influenced in the life to this person of 5 is the number that defines the person is self-made and he has done a lot of struggle in the life but he has the wisdom to win at the end of the day.
How Life Path Number Calculator Works & Numerology Number in Numerology Reading:
How life path number calculator words and Numerology number in numerology reading is going to affect the human life is not the question but how the numbers of a person presented in his entire date of birth including the day of birth also are going to affect the person’s life drastically. The life path number is a total number of full dates of birth for example if the date of birth is 21 March 19 61 then we have to calculate 2,1,3, 1,9,6,1 Hence the total becomes 14 and the total of 1 and 4 is 5. Again, the five (5) number is a self-made number the people born on 5th of the month are struggle loving people and they don’t have the satisfaction level very easily. In less achievements they tend to do much more in their life is fed in the online numerology calculator in numerology is going to help us in getting very quick results in that we don’t need to calculate is number separately and the automatic calculator is going to help us a lot.
Numerology Compatibility Chaldean Numerology Along with Cheiro & Indian Numerology
Numerology compatibility along with Cheiro and Indian numerology are interconnected and most of the time the results I received from each such numerology are almost similar but in Indian numerology we have the problem that sometimes the results are very much different from the Cheiro and numerology system. Western numerology system and Eastern numerology systems are somewhat different and in such a case the people start raising eyes and they start making so many question marks on the accuracy in numerology and its value in our life. Therefore, it is very essential for the numerology consultant to check ok the number numerology and name numerology all together and he should also look at the gender also. The sum total of all the calculations are going to give some results on the basis of which we can tell the person or client that this is your life history and whatever is going to happen in future may be declared up to some extent. In fact, numerology calculation may be looking as a fun or as a game or a as a play to many people but Dr. Anand Bhardwaj says that it is very big and essential need of the time to do maximum research on numerology so that the universal rules for numerology Calculation and prediction for each person may be established globally.