Fengshui & Its Importance

Fengshui and Its Importance
Fengshui & its importance: The feng shui consultations have become very popular in Chinese Vastu and Chinese Fengshui believers. Nowadays, feng shui consultants have started experimenting on the positive and negative impacts of various energies with the help of basic fundamentals of the Chinese art of positioning & placement i.e. Fengshui. The best feng shui consultant knows the impact of various decorative articles in the surroundings emanating through ‘YIN & YANG’ energies. Now feng shui consultation is becoming popular in Japan’s vicinity also. feng shui is the art of positioning and placement various articles in a building in a Vastu-positive and life-positive manner. The Chinese feng shui and Indian Fengshui consultants use the same methodology worldwide. The existing website contains free feng shui tips that one can easily incorporate into his life. After going through the details on the current website one can study Fengshui or he/she can even have free Fengshui advice and download Fengshui-related details.
How to apply simple Feng shui: The main motive of Fengshui is to boost the positive CHI (Energy) through interior decoration, colors, aroma, salt, mirrors, water, etc as well as to facilitate ‘Vaastu Corrections Without Demolition”. Fengshui (pronounced as fung-shway) is an ancient design-philosophy. When you care enough to change your future, when you care enough to read Most Feng Shui principles that are based on common sense, then you have to be prepared to clear and Create positive & supportive vibes in, around & before you. Therefore avoid using anything that looks painful or ugly. The entire essence of FENG-SHUI is hidden behind this concept. This art was originated in the mountains of Everest towards the Tibetan part & other Southern geographical regions of China, from where it spread worldwide.
Multiple benefits:
Today, we have a lot of ideas from our ‘interior decoration and designing experts’ for displaying beautiful showpieces and having good textures in all the prime areas like reception, entrance foyer, drawing room, and lobby, etc. If I decorate my interior with commonly available and generally used showpieces, it counts under the traditional common idea, but if I go for a Fengshui advisor’s consultation, I get doubly benefited because by doing it, I make double use of my money i.e. on one hand I decorate the interior and on the other hand I succeed in filling my home with additional positive vibrations.
This is called wisdom. Vaastu guides us to live in harmony with nature. Surprisingly there is a great similarity between Vastu-sastra & the Chinese art of “positioning & placement” i.e. FENGSHUI which also concentrates on comfortable human life. Literally, Feng-shui means “Flow Of Energy through WIND & WATER”. This ancient Chinese practice of positioning and placement promotes living where the wind is soft, water is calm & life is balanced.” Of course Indian & Chinese Vastu both co-relate various elements of nature & the similar constituents of the human body with reference to each other & accordingly they talk of vivid aspects of each component of human life which is further influenced by their different combinations & permutations.
Fengshui for stability:
Today, those who are aware of the benefits of harnessing the cosmic energies through the above-mentioned knowledge, tend to build-up their building structures as per Vastu, prefer interior decoration & other internal settings as per Fengshui, and boost their positioning and placement through both.
There are a few specific ways to get stability, not only at home but also at the workplace. In this era where neck to neck competition is accelerated, all the sections of society are bound to move fast and take quick decisions. Adaptation of “Cutting edge” is not that easy for all. One, who is not able to react to the emerging situation shall soon feel left far behind in the race.
Be positive:
Nowadays, I am coming across a very prominent and frequently used sentence i.e. “OOPS ! too much politics and uncertainty in business & job”. It shall be better if I talk about the positive aspects of the same. Social Anthropology defines the various physical, social & mental states of human beings on which the theory of human evolution & revolution travels and its long-run constitutes different sections of the society, defining and ensuring a proper social system.
In fact, everyone tries his best to strive for his survival or existence everywhere, be it a house, a school, an industry, an office, a playground, or a similar place where one intends to prove oneself. But I am sure that in such a critical situation one can get the benefits from Vastu & Fengshui that work on the principles of abandoned universal forces and hidden powers and gives support and strength to cope with such short-term crises.
A case study:
Recently, during my Vastu survey visit in the outskirt industrial area at a tannery at Kanpur (U.P.-India) I came across a very identical situation where, everyone, in a very large scale Industrial Organisation was too much uncertain about his career. The interesting part which I felt was that the Industry owner himself was scared and very doubtful of his future which he later shared with me while interacting in the director’s office.
As per Vastu, the sitting arrangement of most of the senior/ senior middle-level employees looking the sensitive areas like production, Sales & Marketing, Administration, etc. were facing to the sub directions of Nairutya. Many of them were leaning at their table to the South & a large percentage was facing in different directions. In order to make the best use of desert coolers, the employees had grown a practice to alter their tables & chairs as per their ease. Imagine if a large percentage of one’s employees keep back towards the directions of Lord Kuber, Lord Indra & Sun, certainly they would not bless us.
Remedial steps:
It is always advised in Vastu Shastra to inhale the positivity through auspicious, positive, and productive directions. As a Vastu correction measure, the seat of the chief of the above organization was slightly moved aside so that no hollow area remains at the back and no poisonous arrow points towards him that may cause agony.
If one is leading a business organization or working as a senior officer in a Company, one can manage one’s subordinates & boost their morale. Fengshui provides a number of tools for making better one’s business prospects. If one faces the north direction in his office seat, placing a pose/ poster of Phoenix Bird at the back shall boost the ‘name & fame’ & shall help us rejuvenating lost prestige & image. It shall also provide business stability.
If one could place a grand poster of mountains without water behind the head keeping its center just behind the head, it shall provide long-term stability. However, one three to five inches crystal or Egyptian greys pyramid or a complete set of crystal family shall provide more support if placed on the table.
Best Fengshui:
Certainly, the importance of Feng Shui is recognized by many people in many countries and does who are working in the field of occult Sciences. Feng Shui is applicable to every part of the house like Feng Shui bedroom and Feng Shui Bagua both are very common in modern Feng-shui. Fen Chu is also associated with Fengshui and is exactly the same because if we talk about Feng Shui home and Feng shui plants then we have to define the logic behind using any particular item of Feng Shui. Fengshui Casa is related to the Feng Shui living room. Feng Shui house is defined in in both the method that is Bagua and PaKua methods. Bagua mirror is available in the market and it is used to cure many Vastu defects as per Feng Shui. Fengshui office is very gracefully done interior by the Fengshui master who himself carries the best Feng Shui compass and once he reaches at the site, he analyses Feng Shui elements like the best Feng Shui consultant. Feng Shui wealth and Feng Shui 2021 will be getting more attention of the common public because the year 2020 has gone in rain. Now the time is best years ahead, we should visualize like this.